is a fictional character in the Naruto manga and anime series created by Masashi Kishimoto. Kishimoto designed Gaara as a foil to the series' eponymous character, Naruto Uzumaki, as the two were born through similar circumstances, but develop vastly different personalities as toubled upbringing. Initially introduced as an antagonist, Gaara is a shinobi affiliated with Sunagakure, and is the son of Sunagakure's leader, the Fourth Kazekage. He was born a demon's host as part of his father's intention to have a weapon to restore their village. However, a combination of being ostracized by the Sunagakure villagers, his early inability to control the Tailed Beast, and the notion that his deceased mother called him her curse on the village caused Gaara to become a ruthless killer who believes his own purpose is to kill his enemies. It is only after meeting Naruto Uzumaki that Gaara earnes a change of perspective as he eventually becomes Sunagakure's Fifth Kazekage and gains acceptance by his people.
Gaara has appeared in several pieces of Naruto media, including two of the featured films in the series, the third original video animation, and several video games. Numerous anime and manga publications have commented on Gaara's character. IGN labeled the disparity between Naruto and Gaara as "emotional" and "a tad creepy". Anime News Network called Naruto's fight against Gaara the high point of the entire series. Among the Naruto reader base, Gaara has been popular, placing high in several popularity polls, and always making it to the top ten characters. Numerous pieces of merchandise have been released in Gaara's likeness, including plush dolls, key chains and action figures.