In queueing theory, a discipline within the mathematical theory of probability, a G-network (generalized queueing network or Gelenbe network) is an open network of G-queues first introduced by Erol Gelenbe as a model for queueing systems with specific control functions, such as traffic re-routing or traffic destruction, as well as a model for neural networks. A G-queue is a network of queues with several types of novel and useful customers:
- positive customers, which arrive from other queues or arrive externally as Poisson arrivals, and obey standard service and routing disciplines as in conventional network models,
- negative customers, which arrive from another queue, or which arrive externally as Poisson arrivals, and remove (or 'kill') customers in a non-empty queue, representing the need to remove traffic when the network is congested, including the removal of "batches" of customers
- "triggers", which arrive from other queues or from outside the network, and which displace customers and move them to other queues
A product form solution superficially similar in form to Jackson's theorem, but which requires the solution of a system of non-linear equations for the traffic flows, exists for the stationary distribution of G-networks while the traffic equations of a G-network are in fact surprisingly non-linear, and the model does not obey partial balance. This broke previous assumptions that partial balance was a necessary condition for a product form solution. A powerful property of G-networks is that they are universal approximators for continuous and bounded functions, so that they can be used to approximate quite general input-output behaviours.