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Crossword clues for fuzzier


a. (en-comparativefuzzy)


See fuzzy

  1. adj. covering with fine light hairs; "his head fuzzed like a dandelion gone to seed" [syn: fuzzed]

  2. indistinct or hazy in outline; "a landscape of blurred outlines"; "the trees were just blurry shapes" [syn: bleary, blurred, blurry, foggy, hazy, muzzy]

  3. confused and not coherent; not clearly thought out; "a vague and fuzzy idea of the world of finance"

  4. [also: fuzziest, fuzzier]

Usage examples of "fuzzier".

But the more I think about that whole scene in the house, the fuzzier it all seems.

The stairs felt fuzzier and dimmer, leading into thick gray fog just a little ahead of him.

Softly used to counteract serious remarks about religion, the supernatural or the fuzzier edges of quantum physics.

Gosset seemed to be growing fuzzier and fuzzier, as if his mind were wandering off down some dim pathway that only he could see.