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n. (plural of futurist English)

Futurists (play)

Futurists is a 1986 play by British playwright Dusty Hughes. It was first produced at the Cottesloe, Royal National Theatre, directed by Richard Eyre.

Usage examples of "futurists".

The Zards are followers of the future, or Futurists as they are called.

In a word, the Pastites believe that history, the reality of the past, governs the present and the future, while the Futurists believe that the future defines the present and the past.

For their part, the Futurists want to change the present through the future, to go into the future and bring back its completion, in the form of restored RNA cells, which is congruent with their belief that the past is the past and all that matters is that which is yet to come, that which still has the hope of existence.

On one side the Pastites wish to correct the root of the problem by stopping its realization in the past, the Futurists, however, would venture into the future and brings its stabilization and completion back.

All you have to do is join us, the Futurists, and we will reward you with all the power and glory that you can imagine.

The Pastites would say that you were sent forward in time, because you existed in our past, while the Futurists would say that you were sent backwards in time because you existed in our future.

You see, my dear Jehu, the Pastites and Futurists interpret the prophecy to mean that the kinsman redeemer has come to renew the earth, as you have no doubt heard, although there is strong evidences to the contrary.