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Fullilove is an English surname. It has several alternate forms including: Fullalove, Fullerlove, Fullilove,' Fulleylove' and Fulleylove.

It is an example of that sizeable group of early English surnames that were gradually created from the habitual use of nicknames. These nicknames were given with reference to a variety of characteristics, such as physical attributes or peculiarities, mental and moral characteristics, or to habits of dress and occupation. The derivation, in this instance, is from the Middle English phrase "full of love", the latter element being a development of the Old English pre 7th Century "luf".

The nickname possibly originally denoted a particularly amorous person, or perhaps one filled with religious ardor. The French cognomen "Pleynamur", from the Old French "pleyn d'amour", full of love, is recorded in the 1275 Hundred Rolls of Suffolk, and Fullilove may also be a direct translation of this pre-existing French name. Richard Playndeamours was noted in the 1284 Assize Court Rolls of Lancashire, and a William Ffuloflove in the 1332 Subsidy Rolls of Cumberland. In 1433, Roger Full-of-Love, of Quydenham, resigned the vicarage of Tottenham, Norfolk, and Ralph Full-of-Love was rector of West Lynn in that county in 1462. On May 14, 1649, John Fullilove and Anne Reve were married at St. Peter's, Paul's Wharf, London. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Henry Ffuloflove, which was dated 1327, in the "Subsidy Rolls of Cambridgeshire", during the reign of Edward the Third.