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a. (en-superlative of: friendly)


See friendly

  1. adj. characteristic of or befitting a friend; "friendly advice"; "a friendly neighborhood"; "the only friendly person here"; "a friendly host and hostess" [ant: unfriendly]

  2. favorably disposed; not antagonistic or hostile; "a government friendly to our interests"; "an amicable agreement"

  3. easy to understand or use; "user-friendly computers"; "a consumer-friendly policy"; "a reader-friendly novel" [ant: unfriendly]

  4. of or belonging to your own country's forces or those of an ally; "in friendly territory"; "he was accidentally killed by friendly fire" [ant: hostile]

  5. [also: friendliest, friendlier]

Usage examples of "friendliest".

However, my surprise must have passed unnoticed, for my housekeeper, rising from her seat with a cry of joy, threw her arms about my neck, and after having kissed me affectionately presented me to her worthy mother, who welcomed me in the friendliest manner.

A sprig of white and one of purple lilac nodded over her, a dress of yellow calico, richly trimmed with red-flannel scallops, shrouded her slender form, a garland of small flowers crowned her glossy curls, and a pair of blue boots touched toes in the friendliest, if not the most graceful, manner.

Every now and then someone would call out, in the friendliest possible way, and tell them that they were weeks too late for the big horse market.

When she wandered up to the front gate, the guards warned her not to go into the streets without an escort, all in the friendliest possible way, but she wanted to scream at them - no doubt she could take care of herself in a strange city better than they could.

I joined in, and we greeted each other in the friendliest manner possible.

A handsome man in his late thirties, he was about five feet nine, well built, fair of coloring, with an open, almost guileless face and the friendliest of smiles that flashed relentlessly to reveal his big white perfect teeth.

She greeted Walter in the simplest, friendliest way, holding out her tiny hand very frankly.

He agreed with her in the friendliest possible manner, which enraged her.

It sounded pleasant and not too arduous, they parted for the night on the friendliest of terms.

They walked on up to the Manse, still talking in the friendliest fashion, but now it was like speaking lines in a play.

Back on dry land, a brisk altercation, conducted in the friendliest of terms, took place.

He got out and opened her door and went with her into the entrance hall, where he wished her goodnight in the friendliest casual way, then went to speak to the night porter about something or other.

The enemy was the Asian Combine, with whom the United States was supposed to be on friendliest terms.