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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Frap \Frap\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Frapped; p. pr. & vb. n. Frapping.] [Cf. F. frapper to strike, to seize ropes. Cf. Affrap.]

  1. (Naut.) To draw together; to bind with a view to secure and strengthen, as a vessel by passing cables around it; to tighten; as a tackle by drawing the lines together.

  2. To brace by drawing together, as the cords of a drum.


Frapping \Frap"ping\, n. [From Frap.] (Naut.) A lashing binding a thing tightly or binding things together.


n. (context nautical mostly plural English) Rope lashed tightly over the rigging or other are

  1. v

  2. (present participle of frap English)


See frap

  1. v. make secure by lashing; "frap a sail"

  2. take up the slack of; "frap a rope"

  3. [also: frapping, frapped]

Usage examples of "frapping".

But on the other hand an immense amount of work had been done, from laying out the dead to securing the guns and frapping the breechings.

While Charlie finished frapping and tying, Keene searched around and experimented with various shapes cut from the waterside growths to make a couple of paddles.

It isn't just frapping oars with bits of canvas, it's the whole attitude of the men in the boat - not to bellow an oath if they stub their toes, not to smuggle drink into the boat on the pretext of drinking it to keep warm .

It starts in a pit, on a guy working on some fiber optics, and all the monitors are fritzing and frapping, and there's flashing lights and stuff's not working properly, because the Cardassians wrecked the place when they left.