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The Collaborative International Dictionary

frank \frank\ (fr[a^][ng]k), a. [Compar. franker (fr[a^][ng]k"[~e]r); superl. frankest.] [F. franc free, frank, L. Francus a Frank, fr. OHG. Franko the name of a Germanic people on the Rhine, who afterward founded the French monarchy; cf. AS. franca javelin, Icel. frakka. Cf. Franc, French, a., Franchise, n.]

  1. Unbounded by restrictions, limitations, etc.; free. [R.] ``It is of frank gift.''

  2. Free in uttering one's real sentiments; not reserved; using no disguise; candid; ingenuous; as, a frank nature, conversation, manner, etc.

  3. Liberal; generous; profuse. [Obs.]

    Frank of civilities that cost them nothing.

  4. Unrestrained; loose; licentious; -- used in a bad sense.

    Syn: Ingenuous; candid; artless; plain; open; unreserved; undisguised; sincere. See Candid, Ingenuous.


a. (en-superlative of: frank)