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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Fox \Fox\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Foxed; p. pr. & vb. n. Foxing.] [See Fox, n., cf. Icel. fox imposture.]

  1. To intoxicate; to stupefy with drink.

    I drank . . . so much wine that I was almost foxed.

  2. To make sour, as beer, by causing it to ferment.

  3. To repair the feet of, as of boots, with new front upper leather, or to piece the upper fronts of.


n. 1 The discolouration of printed material with brown marks 2 A band of material joining the upper of a shoe to the sole. vb. (present participle of fox English)


Foxing is an age-related process of deterioration that causes spots and browning on old paper documents such as books, postage stamps and certificates. The name may derive from the fox-like reddish-brown color of the stains, or the rust chemical ferric oxide which may be involved. Paper so affected is said to be "foxed".

Although unsightly and a negative factor in the value of the paper item for collectors, foxing does not affect the actual integrity of the paper.

Foxing also occurs in biological study skins or specimens, as an effect of chemical reactions or mold on melanin.

Aside from foxing, other types of age-related paper deterioration include destruction of the lignin by sunlight and absorbed atmospheric pollution, typically causing the paper to go brown and crumble at the edges, and acid-related damage to cheap paper such as newsprint, which is manufactured without neutralizing acidic contaminants.

Foxing (band)

Foxing is an American rock band from St. Louis, Missouri.

Usage examples of "foxing".

Once in the trees you couldn't see far and they kept foxing us by changing direction.

There was a foxing of cirrus clouds in front of the sun, and he decided to wait until they were out of the way.

Now she could hook into the console and begin the task of foxing her signals.