Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
a. Having four foot; quadruped
adj. having four feet [syn: quadrupedal, quadruped] [ant: bipedal, bipedal]
Usage examples of "four-footed".
Four-footed white skeletons scampered through the branches trailing furless vertebrae like the whiptails of scorpions.
As he passed an alley intersection, Corey heard the yowling, screeching, screaming, the almost human shrieks of agony that mixed with slithering sounds of lightning-fast four-footed action.
Behind him came a griffin, a wyvern, a four-footed whale, several carnivorous rabbits, a pair of trolls, a thunderbird, a sliver cat, a hippogriff, a satyr, a winged horse, three hoopsnakes, a pantheon, a firedrake, a monoceros, a double-headed eagle, a cyclops, a flight of barnacle geese, a chimera, and a number of creatures of less ordinary aspect that Dor could not identify in the rush.
It was as though the insulted gods of Aca had carefully planned her destruction, and were offering her up as a propitiatory victim to the dread Four-Footed Serpent, whose hideous presence seemed to dominate this scene of sacrifice.
Venus teemed with life, ranging from the microscopic, unicellular animalcules to gigantic, four-footed reptiles, which roamed through her great forests of fern and fungi, some of them feeding on these and other primordial thallophytic growths, some preying on these herbivora or on the lesser creatures coexistent with them on that planet.
The rockaway was truly rocking, also pitching and lurching and bouncing, over a grievously rutted and blistered and scabbed and chuck-holed road on which even the four-footed Snowball was having to watch his step.
Springing, I hazard, from the stegocephalia, the ancestor of the frogs, these batrachians followed a different line of evolution and acquired the upright position just as man did his from the four-footed folk.
Four-footed white skeletons scampered through the branches trailing furless vertebrae like the whiptails of scorpions.
This latter— four dark red booties made of supple leather—was undoubtedly meant for the four-footed member of their ka-tet.
At about the twenty-fifth minute a small brya-a four-footed, four-clawed herbivore about the size of a pig-wandered toward the patch of blue while rooting in the dense growth beneath it for edible aerial tubers.
At about the twenty-fifth minute a small bryaa four-footed, four-clawed herbivore about the size of a pigwandered toward the patch of blue while rooting in the dense growth beneath it for edible aerial tubers.
Expose not thyself by four-footed manners unto monstrous draughts, and Caricatura representations.
Why did he not rise, and with him re-yard them, then gloatingly ask him where was the chinky crow by day, or sneaking dingo by night, that was any match for them, and then demand from his four-footed trusty mate the usual straightforward answer?
O, how accursed is that system, which entombs the godlike mind of man, defaces the divine image, reduces those who by crea tion were crowned with glory and honor to a level with four-footed beasts, and exalts the dealer in hu man flesh above all that is called God!
The big timber wolves of the northern Rocky Mountains attack every four-footed beast to be found where they live.