Crossword clues for founding
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Found \Found\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Founded; p. pr. & vb. n.
Founding.] [F. fondre, L. fundere to found, pour.]
To form by melting a metal, and pouring it into a mold; to
cast. ``Whereof to found their engines.''
Founding \Found"ing\, n. The art of smelting and casting metals.
Who or that founds or found. n. The action of the verb '''to found'''; the establishment of something. v
(present participle of found English)
n. the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new; "she looked forward to her initiation as an adult"; "the foundation of a new scientific society"; "he regards the fork as a modern introduction" [syn: initiation, foundation, institution, origination, creation, innovation, introduction, instauration]
Founding may refer to:
- The formation or of a corporation, government, or other organization
- The laying of a building's Foundation
- The casting of materials in a mold
Usage examples of "founding".
Many thousands of years ago, Asterion had been trapped within the heart of the Great Founding Labyrinth of Crete.
Origen, in opposition to the fables about deification, sought to prove that Christ is divine because he realised the aim of founding a holy community in humanity.
They had a regimental history that dated back fifteen generations to their first Founding in the castellated garrisons of Jant Normanidus Prime, generations of notable triumphs, and associations with illustrious generals and campaigns.
Their instrument was to be the Knights Templar, and Hugues de Payens and the other founding knights were, in fact, Johannite initiates.
Memu Bay was proud of its liberalist tradition, dating right back to the founding in 2160.
From the founding, there had always been one Salic Emperor in residence at Goslar.
In the farming district of Tangok Seip, on the eastern side of the Emakkis Valley where the inner range of coastal mountains began to rise, it fell with such force that it peeled the soil from the slopes in torrential mud-slides such as had never been seen since the founding of the city.
Renata von Voom, the Spy Queen, his girlfriend and a founding member of the United Snakes.
In a sense, we choose our own history, or more accurately, we select those vistas of history for our examinations which promise us the greatest satisfaction, and we have had little appetite to explore the possibility that our founding father was a black man.
Hordes gathered to celebrate Sanja Matsuri, the festival that honored the founding of the temple a thousand years ago.
Da5id Meier, supreme hacker overlord, founding father of the Metaverse protocol, creator and proprietor of the world-famous Black Sun, has just suffered a system crash.
If the founding fathers had been able to think in terms of quantificational structure, a lot of blood might not have been spilt.
But you know, John, the quincunx of quincunxes represents not the triumph of the Mompessons over the other branches, but the union of the two founding families.
On the fourteenth day of false winter in the year 2929 since the founding of Neverness, Leopold Soli, my uncle and Lord Pilot of our Order, returned to our city after a journey lasting twenty-five years-four years longer than I had been alive.
German Merchants of the Steelyard or for founding the company of Merchant Adventurers incorporated on the 18th of December 1551.