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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Fortify \For"ti*fy\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Fortified; p. pr. & vb. n. Fortifying.] [F. fortifier, L. fortificare; fortis strong + -ficare (in comp.) to make. See Fort, and -fy.]

  1. To add strength to; to strengthen; to confirm; to furnish with power to resist attack.

    Timidity was fortified by pride.

    Pride came to the aid of fancy, and both combined to fortify his resolution.
    --Sir W. Scott.

  2. To strengthen and secure by forts or batteries, or by surrounding with a wall or ditch or other military works; to render defensible against an attack by hostile forces.


vb. (en-past of: fortify)

  1. adj. secured with bastions or fortifications [syn: bastioned]

  2. having something added to increase the strength; "fortified wine"

  1. v. make strong or stronger; "This exercise will strengthen your upper body"; "strenghten the relations between the two countries" [syn: strengthen, beef up] [ant: weaken]

  2. enclose by or as if by a fortification [syn: fort]

  3. prepare oneself for a military confrontation; "The U.S. is girding for a conflict in the Middle East"; "troops are building up on the Iraqui border" [syn: arm, build up, gird] [ant: disarm]

  4. add nutrients to; "fortified milk"

  5. add alcohol beverages [syn: spike, lace]

  6. [also: fortified]


See fortify


Usage examples of "fortified".

Guayra, will find, as Leigh found, that their coming has been expected, and that the Pass of the Venta, three thousand feet above, has been fortified with huge barricadoes, abattis, and cannon, making the capital, amid its ring of mountain-walls, impregnable--to all but Englishmen or Zouaves.

Achilles is a war between the assembled armies of the Achaean cities and Troy, a rich, fortified city on the coast of Asia Minor near the Hellespont, the narrow western outlet of the long passage from the Black Sea to the Aegean.

Caesar left the rest still standing, erected a strongly fortified camp equipped with one tower tall enough to see into Germania for miles, and garrisoned it with the Fifth Alauda under the command of Gaius Volcatius Tullus.

Those who could, ran for the fortified houses of Preble, Harmon, Alcock, and Norton, which were soon filled with the refugees.

But as he was a man powerful in arms and clever in artifice, he did not allow himself to succumb at the first blow, and in all haste fortified Annona, Novarro, and Alessandria, sent off Cajazzo with troops to that part of the Milanese territory which borders on the states of Venice, and collected on the Po as many troops as he could.

When we recollect the complete armor of the Roman soldiers, their discipline, exercises, evolutions, fortified camps, and military engines, it appears a just matter of surprise, how the naked and unassisted valor of the barbarians could dare to encounter, in the field, the strength of the legions, and the various troops of the auxiliaries, which seconded their operations.

The other Aristos followed his lead and drank, their decided lack of enthusiasm evident only in their minds, but intense enough from so many of them that it came through his fortified shields.

Swiss, who, from the station of a foot soldier in the Dutch service, out of which he had been drummed for theft, had erected himself into the rank of a self-created chevalier, this hero fortified himself with a double dose of brandy, and betook himself to a certain noted coffee-house, with an intent to affront Count Fathom in public.

The troubles excited by the usurper Firmus in the Upper Egypt had never been perfectly appeased, and the cities of Ptolemais and Coptos, fortified by the alliance of the Blemmyes, still maintained an obscure rebellion.

Conway and Caernarvon, remain in their ruined layouts today, as examples of fortresses integrated with fortified towns.

President Garcia was forced to flee the capital and take refuge in the fortified city of Campanario, in the south, his home region.

He set upon a breakfast of chagga with renewed gusto and, thus fortified, was ready to make his report to Jim.

Larry and Jack saw it all, but they said nothing, only relieved the Chippewa of all the work they possibly could, so that, should necessity demand that Fox-Foot must lose rest and food, he would be well fortified for every tax placed upon him.

Instead of being confined within the walls of fortified cities, which the Romans considered as the refuge of weakness or pusillanimity, the legions were encamped on the banks of the great rivers, and along the frontiers of the barbarians.

Whatever advantages might attend the arms of Sapor in the field, though nine repeated victories diffused among the nations the fame of his valor and conduct, he could not hope to succeed in the execution of his designs, while the fortified towns of Mesopotamia, and, above all, the strong and ancient city of Nisibis, remained in the possession of the Romans.