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fork up

v. to surrender someone or something to another; "the guard delivered the criminal to the police"; "render up the prisoners"; "render the town to the enemy"; "fork over the money" [syn: hand over, fork over, fork out, turn in, get in, deliver, render]

Usage examples of "fork up".

He managed to bring the fork up, twist it so the tines pointed at Bane, and thrust them deep enough that Bane fell back with a yelp, allowing Mouche to scramble to his feet with a firm grip on the fork as he backed, blood streaming, toward the ladder to the loft.

There was a fork up ahead, and the killer might have gone either way.

Then, eyes never leaving the print, he delicately brought the fork up to his mouth and took a bite out of the apple.

First he concentrated on Klo's flexing posterior, guiding the right fork up into the dark wet cavity between buttocks and thighs.

She'd been able to fork up bits of the previous course by watching Stoffelsen and using the same implement he chose, but there was no way she could imitate this technique.

Jonah nodded philosophically to himself and began to fork up the pepper salad with gusto.