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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Foreknow \Fore*know"\, v. t. [imp. Foreknew; p. p. Foreknown; p. pr. & vb. n. Foreknowing.] To have previous knowledge of; to know beforehand.

Who would the miseries of man foreknow?

  1. anticipated or predicted v

  2. (past participle of foreknow English)

  1. v. realize beforehand [syn: anticipate, previse, foresee]

  2. [also: foreknown, foreknew]


See foreknow


Foreknown was an American Christian metal band, where they primarily play a melodic metalcore and deathcore styles of music. They come from Duluth, Minnesota. The band started making music in 2000 and disbanded around 2005. The band released a studio album, Calm Seas Don't Make Sailors, in 2005, with Blood and Ink Records.

Foreknown (rapper)

Gary C. Bagby (born August 20, 1979), who goes by the stage name Foreknown and formerly Foreknown Apostolic, is an American Christian hip hop musician. He started making hip hop music in 2009, with his first studio album, Ornithology, releasing in 2014 from Humble Beast Records.

Usage examples of "foreknown".

Doubtless it was this,-that if all future things have been foreknown, they will happen in the order in which they have been foreknown.

And further, if it is not true that all things happen just as they have been foreknown by Him, there is not, says he, in God any foreknowledge of future events.

Psyche bleated once, and he saw the horror of foreknown death in her eyes.

And the great grim prison on the asteroid, as he had foreknown, brought him no escape from those angrily and incredulously demanding voices.

He tried to think what reason the Ila might have for not needing to know about Pori, and all he could think of was that the Ila had foreknown there was no use in their mission there.