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Zena Rommett(R) originated Floor Barre in the 1960s in New York City one day in class, when she found herself telling the students at the ballet barre to "just lie down on the floor and start all over again." Zena Rommett spent her lifetime further refining and passing on her technique until her death at 89 in New York City. Floor-Barre(R), a registered trademark for the exclusive use of Zena Rommett and her legally certified Zena Rommett Floor-Barre(R) teachers, strengthens the body, lengthens the muscles, and enhance the working of ballet dancers. The name of the technique as first used in English by Zena Rommett states its essence, which takes the basic ballet barre training from the standing position to the floor, "taking the effort of standing out of the equation". Since 1998 Zena Rommett Floor-Barre(R) Foundation holds August Certification/Renewal conferences at City Center of New York City, where teachers of Zena Rommett Floor-Barre(R) are certified and re-certified so that the technique will continue to progress instead of fossilizing. Summer conferences in Italy According to Rommett, the technique allows the trainees to enhance their precision and posture, making fixes that remain in their muscle memory and become evident as they go back to train in standing position. Rommett also claims that by training in this technique certain typical dancer injuries can be prevented.