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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Flews \Flews\, n. pl. The pendulous or overhanging lateral parts of the upper lip of dogs, especially prominent in hounds; -- called also chaps. See Illust. of Bloodhound.


n. The pendulous flaps of skin hanging from the side of the lips of certain dogs, especially hounds.

Usage examples of "flews".

Climbing the hill from the river, stopping for breath, an old dog fell in beside her as she started to climb again, every effort of hers caught up in its plodding step, head carried low going white down muzzle and flews, elbow and hock gone hairless and callused, its dry black coat thinned toward the tail.

Blue stole into the pines ahead of her and curled up into an abject ball beside Dacey, whiffling a sigh out through his flews.