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The Collaborative International Dictionary

fleer \fleer\ (fl[=e]r), [imp. & p. p. fleered (fl[=e]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. fleering.] [OE. flerien; cf. Scot. fleyr, Norw. flira to titter, giggle, laugh at nothing, MHG. vlerre, vlarre, a wide wound.]

  1. To make a wry face in contempt, or to grin in scorn; to deride; to sneer; to mock; to gibe; as, to fleer and flout.

    To fleer and scorn at our solemnity.

  2. To grin with an air of civility; to leer. [Obs.]

    Grinning and fleering as though they went to a bear baiting.


vb. (present participle of fleer English)

Usage examples of "fleering".

Recall it no more, save to think with scorn of the fleering coxcomb who was so lost to the respect that is due to so sweet a lady.

Paris, among the languid, dull, and nerveless beauties of the Court, whose favours are easily won because they look on dalliance as the best pastime offered them, and are eager for such opportunities of it as you fleering coxcombs will afford them.

But his eyes were as hard and bright and contentious as ever, and his bloodless lips still managed the old fleering smile.