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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Flannel \Flan"nel\ (fl[a^]n"n[e^]l), n. [F. flanelle, cf. OF. flaine a pillowcase, a mattress (?); fr. W. gwlanen flannel, fr. gwlan wool; prob. akin to E. wool. Cf. Wool.]

  1. A soft, nappy, woolen cloth, of loose texture.

  2. a cotton fabric with a thick nap on one side, resembling flannel[1]; it is used, e. g. for underwear or sheets; also called flanellette.

  3. pl. garments made of flannel, especially underwear.

  4. a washcloth. [Brit.]

  5. humbug; nonsensical or evasive talk. [Brit. informal]

  6. insincere flattery or praise. [Brit. informal]

    Adam's flannel. (Bot.) See under Adam.

    Canton flannel, Cotton flannel. See Cotton flannel, under Cotton.