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Fileski (born in Madiun, East Java, February 21, 1988) Since sitting in elementary school he already writing poetry, inspired by the poetry of his father, a teacher Indonesian language and literature. Various literary appreciation stage national and international level has achieved. Fileski establish Literature Music Community. He is also a composer who created many musical compositions inspired from the works of poetry, short stories, and novels. His poems published in various newspapers, magazines, journals, bulletins, and cross-country poet poetry anthology. Graduates of arts degree from the Wilwatikta Arts University of Surabaya took specifications Theatre Arts department. Fileski also often referred to as the " Poet Violinist", because the typical dish Poetry violin performances and expressive style and the attractive stage. Over the past three years, Fileski often embellish a variety of national and international literary event. Noted as a record-breaking 11 Hours Nonstop Poems collaborated with 257 Readers Poetry (2012), Poetry Music album release together Paperland - Togamas Music Production (2013), Violin Recital Tour Poetry - Language Month Singapore (2014), Award Winning Anugerah Hescom Musikalisasi Puisi e-Sastra Malaysia (2014).