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num. The cardinal number immediately following fifty-three and preceding fifty-five.


adj. being four more than fifty [syn: 54, liv]

Usage examples of "fifty-four".

She had, from birth, had access to the best bioscience Raehaniv money could buy, and at fifty-four Terran years her hair was as darkly auburn and her body as lithe as ever.

As for the Cistercian convents of the Strict Observance, there are in existence today fifty-four convents, worldwide, seven of them in Spain.

Cistercian convents of the Strict Observance, there are in existence today fifty-four convents worldwide, seven of them in Spain.

After the Guam campaign the commanding general of the 3rd Marine Division, General Alfred Noble, recommended that war dog platoons utilize only scout dogs, and called for fifty-four scout dogs instead of twenty-four scout dogs and twelve messenger dogs.

It was one hundred fifty-four pounds, one pound mole of Neol, exactly.

The four colony chimpanzees, on the other hand, learned ninety-one, one hundred and one, fifty-four, and sixty-six signs, respectively.

Emmanuel also, when he had thus set forwards to go to recover the town of Mansoul, took with him, at the commandment of his Father, fifty-four battering-rams, and twelve slings to whirl stones withal.

Not a single Struldbrug was less than one hundred and fifty-four years of age, by Club law, and the age requirement went up one year for every two that passed.

Giustina died, after a long illness, at Padua, the 21st August 1791, at the age of fifty-four years and seven months.

Two field guns, one pom-pom, six maxims, fifty-six wagons and 140 prisoners were the fruits of that one magnificent charge, while fifty-four stricken Boers were picked up after the action.

They took a cab to Pier Fifty-four on Fourteenth Street, and Olivia and Victoria held hands nervously in the taxi.

And if a method could be found to make them react a little faster, so that the attack came in one second and not in fifty-four, then even the prevision of the Predictors might be too slow.

The Mississippi receives and carries to the Gulf water from fifty-four subordinate rivers that are navigable by steamboats, and from some hundreds that are navigable by flats and keels.

Each ballbearing part he worked on was supposed to be finished in fifty-four minutes.

He has softening of the brain, and he's got fifty-four thousand desiatins of land," he said, with peculiar pride, as if he had himself made all these desiatins.