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num. The cardinal number immediately following fifty-four and preceding fifty-six.


adj. being five more than fifty [syn: 55, lv]

Usage examples of "fifty-five".

A proud, stolid man with a prominent nose and large, sad eyes, Lord Richard Howe was fifty-five years old, older than Adams judged him.

Looming fifty-five feet tall, the antiballistic missile was painted white with accurate black tail and fin markings and a vertical stack of uppercase letters spelling US ARMY.

She had a standing order with her Bangladeshi cabbie now, who was faithfully at the entrance to the Bellevue Apartments every morning at three fifty-five.

The Brunswickers had twenty-two men killed or wounded, the British one hundred and fifty-five.

On the patio was a barbeque pit made from a fifty-five gallon drum slit endways with a torch and set in a welded iron frame.

The really interesting part of this is that, unlike your bones and joints, your back muscles seem to be under the most strain from the ages of thirty-five to fifty-five.

He took a number of photostats out of a large red expansion envelope he had been hiding conspicuously beneath a leather flight jacket painted garishly with pictures of airplanes flying through orange bursts of flak and with orderly rows of little bombs signifying fifty-five combat missions flown.

Sir Charles drew out his watch, and frowned Speenhamland, where rooms for the night had been bespoken, was fully fifty-five miles distant, and the start of the journey had already been delayed by the chattiness of the Misses Titterstone.

She dodged past fifty-five gallon drums of carbon tetrachloride and dimethyl sulfate and burst through the rear door of the shop into an alley.

The campus was only fifty-five miles west of Topeka, but Mother seemed to think it was on the dark side of Neptune.

He swallowed his pills, ate his poached fish and fruit salad, and watched them leave the house, each suitably attired as befitted thirty years and fifty-five, Denise in purple velvet, feathers and a picture hat, Dora in the ranch mink he had bought her for 12 their silver wedding.

Whitaker Monk might have been any age between thirty-five and fifty-five, so non-committal was that lantern-jawed countenance of a droll, with its heavy, black, eloquent eyebrows, its high and narrow forehead merging into an extensive bald spot fringed with greyish hair, its rather small, blue, illegible eyes, its high-bridged nose and prominent nostrils, its wide and thin-lipped mouth, its rather startling pallor.

There were fifty-five weekly Socialist newspapers in Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and summer encampments that drew thousands of people.

Edward Ashley, and the European trip turned into a three-day honeymoon at Waterville, fifty-five miles from junction City, where Edward was taking care of a critical heart patient.

At the end of the decade, fifty-five Castles were built with this exterior but were soon discontinued in favor of the pristine white.