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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Fictile \Fic"tile\, a. [L. fictilis. See Fiction.] Molded, or capable of being molded, into form by art; relating to pottery or to molding in any soft material.

Fictile earth is more fragile than crude earth.

The earliest specimens of Italian fictile art.
--C. Wordsworth.

Fictile ware, ware made of any material which is molded or shaped while soft; hence, pottery of any sort. -- Fic"tile*ness, n. -- Fic*til"i*ty, n.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1620s, "molded or formed by art," from Latin fictilis "made of clay, earthen," from fictio "a fashioning" (see fiction). From 1670s as "capable of being molded." From 1854 as "pertaining to pottery." Related: Fictility.


a. 1 Capable of being mold#Verb into the shape of an artifact or art work 2 (context of an art work or artifact English) mold#Verb of clay or earth 3 (context pottery English) Of or relating to earthenware 4 (context figuratively English) Capable of being led or directed

  1. adj. of or relating to the craft of pottery; "the fictile art"; "fictile ware"

  2. susceptible to being led or directed; "fictile masses of people ripe for propaganda" [syn: pliable]

  3. capable of being molded or modeled (especially of earth or clay or other soft material); "plastic substances such as wax or clay" [syn: moldable, plastic]

Usage examples of "fictile".

Imitative as the Japanese are, and borrowers from other nations in every department of plastic, fictile, and pictorial art, as well as in religion, politics, and manufactures, the poetry of Japan is a true-born flower of the soil, unique in its mechanical structure, spontaneous and unaffected in its sentiment and subject.

The exterior is richly and peculiarly ornamented, to show the progress of fictile art.

We are shown how to fashion masks of ennui and jaded irony at a young age where the face is fictile enough to assume the shape of whatever it wears.