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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ferry \Fer"ry\ (f[e^]r"r[y^]), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ferried (-r[i^]d); p. pr. & vb. n. Ferrying.] [OE. ferien to convey, AS. ferian, from faran to go; akin to Icel. ferja to ferry, Goth. farjan to sail. See Fare.]

  1. To carry or transport over a river, strait, or other narrow water, in a boat.

  2. To convey back and forth regularly between two points in a vehicle; as, part of her day was spent ferrying the kids to and from school.


vb. (en-pastferry)

  1. n. a boat that transports people or vehicles across a body of water and operates on a regular schedule [syn: ferryboat]

  2. transport by boat or aircraft [syn: ferrying]

  3. v. transport from one place to another

  4. transport by ferry

  5. travel by ferry

  6. [also: ferried]


See ferry

Usage examples of "ferried".

At one end of it stood a tall shuttle transport, an IS-class ship of the type that ferried passengers from the moon.

Eventually a host of newly landed merchants were ferried in, along with other foreigners in multi coloured hues, looking bemused.