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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ a febrile atmosphere
▪ Bacterial meningitis must always be considered in a febrile person with severe headache.
▪ Nowak's face glittered with febrile urgency.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Febrile \Fe"brile\ (?; 277), a. [F. f['e]brile, from L. febris fever. See Fever.] Pertaining to fever; indicating fever, or derived from it; as, febrile symptoms; febrile action.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1650s, from Medieval Latin febrilis "pertaining to fever," from Latin febris "a fever" (see fever).


a. feverish, or having a high temperature.


adj. of or relating to or characterized by fever; "a febrile reaction caused by an allergen" [syn: feverish] [ant: afebrile]

Usage examples of "febrile".

It should generally be administered during the intervals between the febrile paroxysms.

The symptoms and auscultatory signs of chronic bronchitis are on the whole similar to those pertaining to the acute form, except that the febrile disturbance and pain are much less marked.

During the inflammatory process there may be more or less febrile movement, paleness of the surface, languor, impaired appetite, night sweats, and general feebleness of the system.

Clarendon and his new home near old Goat Hill, sketches of his career and manifold honours, and popular accounts of his salient scientific discoveries were all presented in the principal California dailies, till the public soon felt a sort of reflected pride in the man whose studies of pyemia in India, of the pest in China, and of every sort of kindred disorder elsewhere would soon enrich the world of medicine with an antitoxin of revolutionary importance - a basic antitoxin combating the whole febrile principle at its very source, and ensuring the ultimate conquest and extirpation of fever in all its diverse forms.

In his dwelling on the slope the reem found Ngai febrile and shrunken, no bigger than a dung beetle.

Miliaria is almost universally an accompaniment of febrile disease, and all disorders in which there occurs a profuse perspiration.

Each attack was accompanied by pains in the back and hypogastric region, febrile disturbance, and a sanguineous discharge from the urethra, which resembled in color, consistency, etc.

If there is febrile excitement, a hard pulse, frequent and throbbing, and if there is headache, thirst, parched lips, hot and dry skin, as is sometimes the case, then menorrhagia is due to an augmented action of the heart and arteries, and the indication of treatment is to diminish vascular action.

When I was thirteen I came down with mononucleosis, and for two months, listless and febrile, my throat reamed with barbed wire, I lived on a diet of chicken soup, hot Bovril, and pulp fiction.

All the frantic eagerness hitherto frustrated by obstacles now took itself out in a kind of febrile speed, and I literally raced along the low-roofed, monstrously well-remembered aisles beyond the archway.

Occasionally it is a result of febrile diseases, as scarlatina, typhoid fever, etc.

Instead, a febrile, nervous excitement seemed to charge the air like static electricity forerunning a storm.

In his dwelling on the slope the reem found Ngai febrile and shrunken, no bigger than a dung beetle.

THE SYMPTOMS of rickets are severe pains in the bones, especially during the night, febrile excitement and profuse perspiration, paleness of the face, a sallow and wrinkled appearance of the skin, and derangement of the digestive organs.

In acute febrile diseases we have long ago discovered that far above all drug-medication is the use of mild liquid diet in the period of excitement, and of stimulant and nutritious food in that of exhaustion.