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adv. (context British Canada English) In a favourable manner.


adv. showing approval; "he reviewed the play favorably" [syn: favorably] [ant: unfavorably]

Usage examples of "favourably".

This was so favourably received by the milkman and beadle that he would immediately have been pushed into the area if I had not held his pinafore while Richard and Mr.

General Vinoy has to-day issued a proclamation to the troops, which in its plain, simple, modest language contrasts very favourably with the inflated bombast in which his predecessor was so great an adept.

There was so much candour and frankness in what she said that a feeling of shame replaced the desire of deceiving her, and I shed some tears, which Esther could only interpret favourably to me.

The Greek and Latin historians do not speak favourably of it, and Strabo says it is very dangerous during the Etesian winds and in the rainy season.

Besides, when the Galenites have once diagnosed your purse favourably, your disease is what you please.

In my opinion this graveyard is situated very favourably from a geomantic point of view.

I saw she seemed favourably inclined to my proposal, so I told her that I should stay six weeks at Turin, that I had fallen in love with her on the promenade, and that the purchase of the horse had been a mere pretext for discovering to her my feelings.

For the Bare Accost, two wall-eyes in a face forced: for the Better Regard, a face favourably simpering, with a fan waving: for the Solemn Address, two lips wagging, and never a wise word: for the Perfect Close, a wring by the hand, with a banquet in a corner.

The gold and silver determinations, however, will compare very favourably with any of the other processes for the estimation of these metals in their ores.

He said angrily that in that case our Fathers must have misunderstood each other, for his had very clearly recieved the impression from mine that I would look upon such a proposal favourably.

Catal Huyuk in Anatolian Turkey is one of the oldest cities known to man, and carpeting has been found there which is of so high a quality that it compares favourably with those made today.

Stephen could satisfy them on neither point but they parted on the kindest terms, and it was observable that the morose Ghegs looked more favourably upon the party now that it was known that at least one member was of the right way of thinking.

Now the reality of the case, with which Jones was not acquainted till afterwards, was this:- The lieutenant whom Lord Fellamar had employed, according to the advice of Lady Bellaston, to press Jones as a vagabond into the sea-service, when he came to report to his lordship the event which we have before seen, spoke very favourably of the behaviour of Mr.

Buffon, Raynal, and Montesquieu, with Voltaire, Robertson, and Southey, have written favourably of the internal government of the missions and the effect which it produced.

By a separate article, the king of Great Britain promised to furnish him with three hundred thousand crowns, and to interpose his good offices with the queen of Hungary, that his electoral dominions should be favourably treated.