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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unfavorable \Un*fa"vor*a*ble\, a. Not favorable; not propitious; adverse; contrary; discouraging. -- Un*fa"vor*a*ble*ness, n. -- Un*fa"vor*a*bly, adv.


adv. In an unfavorable manner.


adv. showing disapproval; in a disparaging way; "he reviewed the play unfavorably" [syn: unfavourably] [ant: favorably]

Usage examples of "unfavorably".

If, then, I should learn that you had taken upon yourself to speak of me to any one favorably or unfavorably, to comment on my actions, or watch my conduct, that very instant you would quit my service.

It, however, generally terminates unfavorably, especially in scrofulous constitutions.

On the other hand, negligence in this particular will not only degrade the school under your care here, but the schools in this town and the cause of education in the vicinity will be unfavorably affected.

He had just been attacked in the American press for wasting lives at Iwo Jima and compared unfavorably with General MacArthur, but little he cared for that.

It is unwise even now to compare any man unfavorably with Cromwell, but there was a simplicity about that great bad man which was far more impressive for being totally unpracticed and unfeigned.

That statement suggests, among other things, that Varas might think unfavorably of electronic evidence.

Conjurers held less status than diviners, and to be compared unfavorably to a wizard of that school was highly displeasing to his ambitious patron.

Female continence over a prolonged period was unfavorably viewed since women were expected to bear as many children as possible to replace a population constantly lost to the Mil or the exigencies of Patrol.

An index is a particular solution of the variable that tells you whether a particular word is used in a particular fashion to a particular reader or type of reader will affect that person favorably, unfavorably, or simply leave him cold.

They argue that the best we can hope for is a stabilization of clusters which might unfavorably alter the ecological balance of existing Anchors, but that Anchors can't support their populations at their rate of growth.

She eyed the gorgeous silhouette, evidently contrasting her own disheveled costume unfavorably with the rose-colored gauze and satin of the Lady.

There were letters to me, comparing me unfavorably to both Richard Speck and the late Stepin Fetchit, but in all honesty it really didn’.

The first one in Nevada was built at Egan Canyon and was a small insignificant affair and compared most unfavorably with some of the immense establishments afterwards located at Virginia City and elsewhere.