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n. (plural of favorite English)

Favorites (Johnny Gill album)

Favorites is a compilation album of hit songs by R&B singer Johnny Gill.

In October 2004, the remix of "Rub You the Right Way" appeared in popular video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, playing on fictional new jack swing radio station CSR 103.9.

Favorites (Crystal Gayle album)

Favorites is a compilation album by the American country music singer Crystal Gayle. It was released in April 1980, only a short time after another compilation album, Classic Crystal, though consisted of her lesser known songs from the period she was signed to United Artists Records.

The album peaked at #37 on the Billboard Country Albums chart, and #149 on the main Billboard 200 chart.

Favorites (disambiguation)

Favorites or Favourites refers to a saved list of internet bookmarks in the Internet Explorer browser.

Favorites or Favourites may also refer to:

  • Favorites (Crystal Gayle album), 1980
  • Favorites (Johnny Gill album), 1997

Usage examples of "favorites".

But Torene discounted her own physical attractiveness whenever someone complimented her, and she played no favorites among the male riders who were constantly in her company.

In their dress, their table, their houses, and their furniture, the favorites of fortune united every refinement of conveniency, of elegance, and of splendor, whatever could soothe their pride or gratify their sensuality.

Four Roman emperors, with their families, their favorites, and their adherents, perished by the sword in the space of ten years, during which the bishop of Carthage guided by his authority and eloquence the councils of the African church.

But his artful and cruel favorites studied to deceive and exasperate a prince, whose natural mildness cannot be praised without some efforts of adulation.

Under a prince whose weakness is disguised by the external signs of manhood and discretion, the most worthless favorites may secretly dispute the empire of the palace.

Besides the motives of pride and interest, which might prompt the king of the Huns to continue this train of negotiation, he was influenced by the less honorable view of enriching his favorites at the expense of his enemies.

Many were the paths that led to the summit of royalty: the fabric of rebellion was overthrown by the stroke of conspiracy, or undermined by the silent arts of intrigue: the favorites of the soldiers or people, of the senate or clergy, of the women and eunuchs, were alternately clothed with the purple: the means of their elevation were base, and their end was often contemptible or tragic.

The emperor, with a chosen band of his favorites and Janizaries, fixed his summer residence at a pleasant, spacious monastery, six miles from Ferrara.

The piece was one of her personal favorites, a combination of sensuality and humor.

The song had been one of Rebecca’s favorites, for the words told of a girl newly in love and thinking of the future that soon would be hers.

The air she hummed was one of her favorites, “Bonnie Laddie, Highland Laddie.

But it was the way he picked up trends for specific games, for cards versus slots, for sports betting versus baccarat, new scams or new variations on old favorites, and which insurance fraud was going through Vegas like a flu.

And if you have any favorites that I don't know, I would be happy to learn them.

These produced a hot meal, a choice of beverages and additional early-morning snacks that Damia happened to know were favorites of her daughter and Kincaid Dano.

Kindan scooped up one of his favorites, grabbed his tea, and headed outside.