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fault line

n. 1 (context geology English) The line formed by the intersection of the plane of a fault with the surface of the Earth 2 (context by extension English) A minor split (in public opinion etc) that may develop into something larger

fault line

n. (geology) line determined by the intersection of a geological fault and the earth's surface

Fault line (disambiguation)

In geology, fault line or faultline refers to the surface trace of a fault.

Fault Line (adventure)

Fault Line is a role-playing game adventure published by TSR in 1985 for the Marvel Super Heroes role-playing game.

Usage examples of "fault line".

The lights blazed on it, throwing every fault line into prominence.

A deep fissure ran from the top edge of the stone halfway to the floor, exposing the wet and glistening interior of the rock and gathering shadows like a fault line in the earth.

There was a sheer wall ahead, one which stretched across her own path and that of those on the hill, a fault line where the land on which she walked had fallen below that to the north, leaving a scarp between, that scarp cut by tumbling streams which had left ladders of stone in their wake.

He heard the rock explode, felt the shock drive him back against the granite wall as the chosen fault line gave way and a whole section of wall came loose.

All three of these volcanoes sit astride this big fault line, Jamie said to himself as he laboriously chipped away at the tough black basalt.

No one had known the minor fault line geologists would later name the Athinai Switch even existed, and the detection net’.

The southern and northern k fthe valley maintained their characteristic differences, but the base rock was cracked and down-faulted to great depths the river and the limestone foreland of the high southern moi, Toward the west was the steep limestone edge of a fault line course of the river turned northwest.