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fairy godmother

n. 1 In certain fairy tales, a fictional benevolent woman with magical powers who uses them to help the cause of the protagonist. 2 (context by extension English) Any generous benefactor.

fairy godmother
  1. n. a generous benefactor

  2. a female character is some fairy stories who has magical powers and can bring unexpected good fortune to the hero or heroine

Fairy godmother

In fairy tales, a fairy godmother is a fairy with magical powers who acts as a mentor or parent to someone, in the role that an actual godparent was expected to play in many societies. In Perrault's Cinderella, he concludes the tale with the cynical moral that no personal advantages will suffice without proper connections. The fairy godmother is a special case of the donor.

Fairy godmother (disambiguation)

A fairy godmother is a fairy who acts as a mentor or guardian for a young person.

' Fairy godmother' may also refer to:

  • Fairy Godmother, a character in Disney's 1950 film, Cinderella
  • Fairy Godmother (Shrek), a character in the movie Shrek 2
  • Fag hag, a slang term in the gay community
  • Fairy Godmother Tycoon, a game by
  • The Fairy Godmother (novel), Tales of the Five Hundred Kingdoms, Book 1 by Mercedes Lackey 2004

Usage examples of "fairy godmother".

He asked Lazzaro if he planned to feed the Blue Fairy Godmother clock springs and steak.

As I said, I am the Fairy Godmother for all of Otraria, and I am getting old and tired.

As soon as the Queen thought him strong enough for a journey she set out with him secretly to visit her Fairy godmother.

The only chance of my doing something really violent in favor of truth or justice or what have you,' I said to my Blue Fairy Godmother, 'would lie in my going homicidally insane.

Colonel Frank Wirtanen, my Blue Fairy Godmother, was sitting on a table again, waiting for me again.

I am so glad and so thankful that you love me, dear fairy godmother.

Spread ears like elephants, and I will tell you the tale of a girl named Beauty, and of her wicked stepmother and her good fairy godmother, and of the magic fishbone and the carriage and the little slipper that fell from Beauty's foot and led her to a handsome prince!

Supposedly, when each child is born, it is given a fairy godmother who watches over it all its life.

Spread ears like elephants, and I will tell you the tale of a girl named Beauty, and of her wicked stepmother and her good fairy godmother, and of the magic fishbone and the carriage and the little slipper that fell from Beauty'.

My Fairy Godmother, whom I had often heard about, suddenly came to see us.

The Fairy Godmother Department watched over me across the Indian Ocean, up the Red Sea, and clear to Napoli.