The Collaborative International Dictionary
Extractive \Ex*tract"ive\, a. [Cf. F. extractif.]
Capable of being extracted. ``Thirty grains of extractive matter.''
Tending or serving to extract or draw out.
Certain branches of industry are conveniently designated extractive: e.g., agriculture, pastoral and mining pursuits, cutting of lumber, etc.
Extractive \Ex*tract"ive\, n.
Anything extracted; an extract.
Extractives, of which the most constant are urea, kreatin, and grape sugar.
--H. N. Martin. -
A chemical principle once supposed to exist in all extracts. [Obs.]
Any one of a large class of substances obtained by extraction, and consisting largely of nitrogenous hydrocarbons, such as xanthin, hypoxanthin, and creatin extractives from muscle tissue.
a. 1 That serves to extract something 2 That withdraws natural resources by extraction 3 Able to be extracted n. 1 Something that may be extracted 2 The substance left behind after something has been extracted
Usage examples of "extractive".
Since the extractive matters contained in wort and beer consist for the most part of the transformation products of starch, it is only natural that these should have received special attention at the hands of scientific men associated with the brewing industry.
Hot water is sparged through the deep bed of husks and spent grains to wash out any extractives remaining.
At the commencement of the nineteenth century we find them making tanno-gallate of iron inks to which were added extractive matter from logwood and other materials to form thick fluids for shipment to Brazil, India and the countries where brushes or reeds were used as writing instruments.
Hot water is sparged through the deep bed of husks and spent grains to wash out any extractives remaining.
Among its constituents are extractive, resin (in very similar proportion), nitrogenous matter, also in small quantity, potassium chloride and calcium sulphate, and in its ashes are found iron and calcium and magnesium phosphate.
It also contains albumen, fixed oil, colouring matter, lignin, extractive, and sugar.
Other constituents are traces of a volatile oil, albumen, resin, fat, wax, chlorophyll, tannic acid, grape sugar, gum, extractive, starch, pectin and various alkaline and earthy salts.
The houses were roofed and decorated with the local clay, colored blue and green with trace minerals Carialle identified as copper extractives.