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n. (plural of extraction English)

Extractions (album)

Extractions is the third studio album by English band Dif Juz, released in 1985 by record label 4AD.

Usage examples of "extractions".

Along widi diem were a host of smaller outfits, subcon tractors mosdy, diat nobody's ever heard of except dieir modiers: firms with names like Bakhtiart Precision Burins, Portentous Potions, and Essence Extractions, Inc.

He was sure the kids would have gone to the next room, and had immediately run to the extractions lab.

Until I got back to the office to see what they were dumping, I was as much in the dark about what they actually did as I was with Essence Extractions, Inc.

If Essence Extractions had found a way to produce lots of cockatrices, they were sitting on the goose that laid the golden egg.

None of the other little firms that used the Devonshire dump put anything quite so ferocious in it, though I did raise an eyebrow to see how many roosters' eggshells Essence Extractions was getting rid of.

If Essence Extractions had found a way to pro duce lots of cockatrices, they were sitting on the goose that laid the golden egg.

The extractions must have been extremely painful afterward as the bone healed.

In this day and age we can't imagine the pain that extractions such as these must have caused him.

For God’s sake, do you know how many extractions I’ve done in Colombia?

For God's sake, do you know how many extractions I've done in Colombia?

In this day and age we can’t imagine the pain that extractions such as these must have caused him.