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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Deportation orders do not have to state the reasons for expulsion.
▪ If you did, you risked verbal or physical abuse, derision and expulsion.
▪ Rapid movement in cephalopods is achieved by expulsion of water from a muscular funnel beneath the head.
▪ The expulsions seem certain to resume, probably before Christmas.
▪ The defeat is the second inflicted on the Government since the expulsion of hereditary peers.
▪ The latest incident came to light when pupils were overheard discussing the expulsions at the Rising Sun pub in nearby Newbury.
▪ Violate the rules, and the price is expulsion.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Expulsion \Ex*pul"sion\, n. [L. expulsio, fr. expellere: cf. F. expulsion. See Expel.]

  1. The act of expelling; a driving or forcing out; summary removal from membership, association, etc.

    The expulsion of the Tarquins.

  2. The state of being expelled or driven out.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1400, from Old French expulsion or directly from Latin expulsionem (nominative expulsio), noun of action from past participle stem of expellere "drive out" (see expel).


n. The act of expelling or the state of being expelled.

  1. n. the act of forcing out someone or something; "the ejection of troublemakers by the police"; "the child's expulsion from school" [syn: ejection, exclusion, riddance]

  2. squeezing out by applying pressure; "an unexpected extrusion of toothpaste from the bottom of the tube"; "the expulsion of pus from the pimple" [syn: extrusion]

  3. the act of expelling or projecting or ejecting [syn: projection, ejection, forcing out]


Expulsion or expelled may refer to:

Expulsion (education)

Expulsion, exclusion or withdrawing, refers to the removal/banning of a student from a school system or university for an extensive period amount of time due to a student persistently violating that institution's rules, or for a single offense of appropriate severity in extreme cases. Laws and procedures regarding expulsion vary between countries and states.

Expulsion (band)

Expulsion was a Death metal band from Vallentuna, Sweden that existed from 1988 to 1999. The band gained notability for being one of the earliest Swedish death metal bands, and that two of its members also played in black metal band Treblinka (later named Tiamat).

Usage examples of "expulsion".

Warren mentions spontaneous expulsion of a horse-shoe nail from the bronchus of a boy of two and one-half years.

The standard rental agreement allows for instant expulsion of those who fall under Hortator ostracization, without notice or advertisement.

The standard rental agreement allows for instant expulsion of those who fall under Hortator osctracization, without notice or advertisement.

In practice expulsion was not the death sentence it seemed, as Ranter must know.

Out of lead and tin, he fashioned hollow images of nude men, filled them with earth collected from the center and four corners of France, inscribed the foreheads with the names of King Edward or one of his captains, and, when the constellations were right, buried them face down while he recited spells to the effect that this was perpetual expulsion, annihilation, and burial of the said King, captains, and all adherents.

For twenty years the stringency of the persecution had increased until there was no weapon which bigotry could employ, short of absolute expulsion, which had not been turned against him.

This was the true aera of the golden age, and the only golden age which ever had any existence, unless in the warm imaginations of the poets, from the expulsion from Eden down to this day.

The berserker made a dark, irregular blot against giant swirls of bright nebula that were far too distant to provide a hiding place, the stuff of the galaxy in an agelong expulsion from the galactic heart.

The constant expulsions of the Jesuits from Asuncion, the turmoils in the State, and the fact that every now and then the Indians had to take arms to defend their territory, acted most mischievously on the reductions, both in Paraguay and in those between the Parana and Uruguay.

As the pleasurable orgasmic contractions propel semen through the urethra, he will retain his tight grip on the shaft and continue massaging the frenulum and glans, maximizing the pleasure and stroking through the orgasm and its first expulsion of ejaculate.

In Egypt the Seventeenth Dynasty had at last, after long hesitation, picked up the gauntlet thrown down by the Hyksos conquerors, and the War of Independence had resulted in the expulsion of the Desert Princes and their race.

These fragments are quickly reknit into the body of ice, which we shall hereafter term the glacier, and in this process the expulsion of the air goes on more rapidly than before, and the mass assumes a more transparent icelike quality.

The absence of the other guests, the pursuit of Kibei Dono, who only seeks to compromise her and secure her expulsion from the house, or even death at the hand of Kwaiba Dono, has driven her well nigh mad.

Even the fact that at the expulsion of the Company of Jesus from America no treasure at all was found at any of their colleges or missions did not dispel the conviction that they owned rich mines.

The people all believed, and Cardenas forgot to tell them that by the expulsion of the Jesuits twenty thousand Indians would pass into his power, whom he could then distribute amongst his friends as slaves, as he proposed to divide the Indians of the missions amongst the Paraguayan notables to win them to his side.