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school system

n. establishment including the plant and equipment for providing education from kindergarten through high school

Usage examples of "school system".

They draw their people from the school system's absolute cesspools, the hardest, most cynical kids they can find.

And Vishnu's school system has set up special classes for refugees coming in from Jefferson.

There were small starter houses, for young couples who wanted to live in Mountain Brook for the prestige and also for the school system for their children.

These schools, for brevity known as the elite schools, constitute a wise and flexible system by means of which the administration (a Council of Studies consisting of twenty councillors, ten representing the Board of Educators and ten representing the Order) draws candidates from among the most gifted pupils in the various sections and schools of the country, in order to supply new generations for the Order and for all the important offices in the secondary school system and the universities.

We have noted, for example, that the basic organization of the present school system parallels that of the factory.

She threw out her arms, as if embracing the whole Grantville school system at once.

Because it's likely you have been seduced by the NEA into believing throwing more money at our failed school system is the best way to fix things.

At the age of sixteen, having found nothing in the local school system to challenge him, Lawrence Pritchard Waterhouse went off to college.

I mean, man, when your parents are both anarchists the Chicago public school system is going to do your head absolutely no good at all.