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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Explorative \Ex*plor"a*tive\, a. Exploratory.


a. exploratory


adj. serving in or intended for exploration or discovery; "an exploratory operation"; "exploratory reconnaisance"; "digging an exploratory well in the Gulf of Mexico"; "exploratory talks between diplomats" [syn: exploratory] [ant: nonexploratory]

Usage examples of "explorative".

Mental exhaustion and battered muscles made it very easy for him to fall in with Art Mackey's suggestion that they sack in early and make their explorative foray into the village before dawn the next day.

They progressed from a steady, explorative beat to wild variances of rhythm, suffering only minor incompatibilities of pace and accommodation: thrashing, sweaty passages.

After a few explorative pats, the latter made goat noises of astonishment.