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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Explainable \Ex*plain"a*ble\, a. [L. explainabilis.] Capable of being explained or made plain to the understanding; capable of being interpreted.
--Sir. T. Browne.

Syn: explicable. [1913 Webster]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1600, from explain + -able.


a. Able to be explained or understood


adj. capable of being understood; "explainable phenomena" [syn: interpretable]

Usage examples of "explainable".

The entire, magic morphogenesis is explainable as terraced chemical mechanisms.

It was just a costume of some sort, some skin-tight footglove or something easily explainable.

If he was right, everything was explainable, the deliberately contrived solitude of the Hathalls,their cloistral life, the money that enabled them to dine out and Hathall to buy presents for his daughter.

That was explainable, he told himself, if this really was a romantic tryst, if there was another Imberline besides the one in the hotel dining room, but it seemed to the Saint to be an odd set of circumstances under which a bureaucrat would carry on a conference concerning synthetic rubber.

In fact, gluon emission of the type they describe isn't even explainable with our current understanding of quantum chromodynamics.

You know as well as I do that Betazoid telepathy is subfrequency and seems supernatural, but that it’s perfectly explainable scientifically.

They much prefer logic - the grounded, explainable, unemotional thought process that ends in a supportable conclusion.

I was deeply stirred by the reading of this wonderful creation, by the thoroughly human truth of his struggle, his disappointments, waverings and weaknesses, his courage and self-denial, his alternately proud and discouraged bearing, his very explainable self-deception, caused by the influence of his childish followers and worshippers, his fatal and truly tragic ending, not desired but foreboded, and manfully not evaded, immutable necessary result of human weakness in human heroic strength.