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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Exanthema \Ex`an*the"ma\, n.; pl. Exanthemata. [L., fr. Gr.?, fr.? to burst forth as flowers, break out, as ulcers; ?, ?, out + 'anqei^n to bloom, 'a`nqos flower: cf. F. exanth[`e]me.] (Med.) An efflorescence or discoloration of the skin; an eruption or breaking out, as in measles, smallpox, scarlatina, and the like diseases; -- sometimes limited to eruptions attended with fever.


n. (plural of exanthema English)


See exanthema

  1. n. eruption on the skin occurring as a symptom of a disease [syn: exanthem, skin eruption]

  2. [also: exanthemata (pl)]

Usage examples of "exanthemata".

Without transcribing his declamatory sentences, which I have softened in the text, I shall observe, that in this passage the strange word exarentasmata is very properly changed for exanthemata by Carisius, the first editor Falcandus lived about the year 1190.