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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Ex parte

Ex parte \Ex` par"te\ [L. See Ex-, and Part.] Upon or from one side only; one-sided; partial; as, an ex parte statement.

Ex parte application, one made without notice or opportunity to oppose.

Ex parte council, one that assembles at the request of only one of the parties in dispute.

Ex parte hearing or Ex parte evidence (Law), that which is had or taken by one side or party in the absence of the other. Hearings before grand juries, and affidavits, are ex parte.
--Wharton's Law Dict.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
ex parte

Latin legal term, "on the one side only," from ex "out of" (see ex-) + parte, ablative of pars "part, side" (see part (n.)).

ex parte

a. 1 (context legal English) Of, relating to, or characteristic of a proceeding where one of the involved party is not present. 2 Concerning only one side of a matter; one-sided. adv. (context legal English) In the manner of a proceeding where one of the involved parties is not (or sometimes may not be) present.

Ex parte

Ex parte is a Latin legal term meaning "from (by or for) [the/a] party". An ex parte decision is one decided by a judge without requiring all of the parties to the controversy to be present. In Australian, Canadian, U.K., South African, Indian and U.S. legal doctrines, ex parte means a legal proceeding brought by one person in the absence of and without representation or notification of other parties. It is also used more loosely to refer to improper unilateral contacts with a court, arbitrator or represented party without notice to the other party or counsel for that party.

Usage examples of "ex parte".

He later complained that Judge Burnett had issued the order for Jessie to be moved ex parte, after consulting only with the prosecutors, while Jessie’.

Whether this reasoning is valid or not, coroners' inquisitions and even ex parte proceedings were usually fair game to journalists in 1888, as long as their reporting was truthful and balanced.

If the case were in Richmond, I would go marching up to the judge ex parte and point out the very obvious con­.

There might have been some inappropriate ex parte communications between my representative (Steven) and this person.

In law, however, such an ex parte dispensation cannot be construed as allowing of the reverse, namely, that the grant of a prospecting concession by the previous German regime should have force and effect in law.

James Hamlet, for three years a resident of New York City, a husband and a father and a member of the Methodist Church, was seized eight days after the law went into effect by order of the agent of Mary Brown of Baltimore, cut off from all communication with his friends, hurried before a commissioner, and on ex parte testimony was delivered into the hands of the agent, by whom he was handcuffed and secretly conveyed to Baltimore.