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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Euchologion \Eu`cho*lo"gi*on\, Euchology \Eu*chol"o*gy\, n. [NL. euchologion, Gr. ? prayer book; ? prayer, vow (fr. ? to pray) + ? to say, speak.] (Eccl.) A formulary of prayers; the book of offices in the Greek Church, containing the liturgy, sacraments, and forms of prayers.


n. A book of prayers or religious ritual.

''For the Book of Common Order, sometimes called The Order of Geneva or Knox's Liturgy, see that entry.''

The Euchologion ( Greek: ; Slavonic: Молитвословъ, Molitvoslov ; ) is one of the chief liturgical books of the Orthodox Church and Eastern Catholic Churches, containing the portions of the services which are said by the bishop, priest, or deacon (it corresponds more or less to the Roman Catholic Missal, Ritual, and Pontifical combined). There are several different volumes of the book in use.