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The esterling is an obsolete belgian unit of mass.

  • 1 esterling = 1/20 ounce

Usage examples of "esterling".

But Nils Esterling came back changed, with something dead inside his soul.

Nils Esterling, noting the leatheroid tunic worn at cuffs and elbows, the frayed straps of the elasto sandals.

His face altered, not much, but enough to convince Esterling of what he already suspected.

The magnetic soles on his boots held him firmly against the hull, and Esterling clumped laboriously toward the bow.

Fragments of scrap and parts of bodies were plastered against the hull, covered by a treacly black fluid which Esterling recognized as rocket fuel.

Nils Esterling, a blood heritage that fought its way to the surface and brought out all the latent mysticism of his race.

Nils Esterling felt the mysticism of far places stealing into his soul.

No curve of her slender body was hidden by the single gossamer garment she wore, and in all his life Esterling had never seen a girl half so lovely.

The existence of the winged people went on without touching them though Esterling was not so far withdrawn as the others.

For a long time Esterling had been conscious of a curious sensation centering around his shoulder-blades.

The wine of it was stronger than any liquor Esterling had ever tasted.

Instead, Esterling drew himself, hand over hand, to the emergency escape hatch in the bow.

Once I turned, far down the path above Thunder Fjord, and Nils Esterling had not moved.

I had no doubt that it was Lord Esterling was because ViKay had identified him as such.

Either ViKay had been involved with Esterling, or he wanted her to be, or ViKay wanted somebody, perhaps me, to think either of the former.