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Eryon (animal), is an extinct genus of decapod crustaceans from the Late Jurassic of Germany. Its remains are known from the Solnhofen limestone. It reached a length of around , and may have fed on particulate matter on the sea bed.

Usage examples of "eryon".

The man behind us, a former lordling named Eryon, guessed they were nearing the coast of Tharkoon.

That bluff and hearty warrior, Lord Eryon, was all for putting about for Komar.

Andar, Eryon and Klygon gained the deck, swords at the ready, to observe with amazement the descent of the aerial creature.

Klygon to Lord Eryon, where they stood a few paces from the throne dais.

This time he recognized Eryon at their head, by the silver in his grizzled beard and the proud way he held his shoulders.

The neatness of this final stroke of justice pleased him heartily, although Eryon and some of the older barons grumbled that it was foolishness to permit so much as a single foe to continue living, when so many Komarians had been murdered or executed.

Before Eryon could grasp the import of his words, or so much as lift a hand to stop him, the Prince of Komar strutted out into the well-lit square before the main portal of the citadel.