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The Collaborative International Dictionary
equinoctial line

Equator \E*qua"tor\, n. [L. aequator one who equalizes: cf. F.

  1. (Geog.) The imaginary great circle on the earth's surface, everywhere equally distant from the two poles, and dividing the earth's surface into two hemispheres.

  2. (Astron.) The great circle of the celestial sphere, coincident with the plane of the earth's equator; -- so called because when the sun is in it, the days and nights are of equal length; hence called also the equinoctial, and on maps, globes, etc., the equinoctial line.

    Equator of the sun or Equator of a planet (Astron.), the great circle whose plane passes through through the center of the body, and is perpendicular to its axis of revolution.

    Magnetic equator. See Aclinic.

equinoctial line

n. the great circle on the celestial sphere midway between the celestial poles [syn: celestial equator, equinoctial circle, equinoctial]

Usage examples of "equinoctial line".

He explored the Indian Ocean with a fleet of a thousand ships: they sailed in sixty-eight days, most probably to the Isle of Borneo, under the equinoctial line.