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n. (plural of ephebo English)


Ephebos (ἔφηβος) (often in the plural epheboi), also anglicised as ephebe (plural: ephebes) or archaically ephebus (plural: ephebi), is a Greek word for an adolescent or a social status reserved for that age in Antiquity.

Ephebos (disambiguation)

Greek ephebos εφηβος (plural: epheboi εφηβοι), anglicised as ephebe (plural: ephebes), or Latinate ephebus (plural: ephebi) is the term for an adolescent male.

It may also refer to:

  • Ephebus (personal name);
  • The Ephebe sculptural type from antiquity, portraying young men of this age;
  • The fictional country Ephebe from Terry Pratchett's Discworld series .