Crossword clues for eolith
- Old stone hotel, one needing renovation
- Stone Age tool
- Ancient stone
- Stone Age stone
- Stone implement
- Stone artifact
- Naturally occurring chipped stone
- Natural chipped flint
- Crude Tertiary stone
- Chipped stone
- Ancient stone once thought to be man-made but now believed to have been produced by glaciation
- Ancient flint
n. (context petrology English) Crudely chopped flints, believed to be naturally produced by geological processes such as glaciation.
n. a crude stone artifact (as a chipped flint); possibly the earliest tools
An eolith (from Greek "eos", dawn, and "lithos", stone) is a chipped flint nodule. Eoliths were once thought to have been artifacts, the earliest stone tools, but are now believed to be naturally produced by geological processes such as glaciation.
The first eoliths were collected in Kent by Benjamin Harrison, an amateur naturalist and archaeologist, in 1885 (though the name "eolith" wasn't coined until 1892, by J. Allen Browne). Harrison's discoveries were published by Sir Joseph Prestwich in 1891, and eoliths were generally accepted to have been crudely made tools, dating from the Pliocene. Further discoveries of eoliths in the early 20th century – in East Anglia by J. Reid Moir and in continental Europe by Aimé Louis Rutot and H. Klaatsch – were taken to be evidence of human habitation of those areas before the oldest known fossils. Indeed, the English finds helped to secure acceptance of the hoax remains of Piltdown man.
Because eoliths were so crude, concern began to be raised that they were indistinguishable from the natural processes of erosion. Marcellin Boule, a French archaeologist, published an argument against the artifactual status of eoliths in 1905, and Samuel Hazzledine Warren provided confirmation of Boule's view after carrying out experiments on flints.
Although the debate continued for about three decades, more and more evidence was discovered that suggested a purely natural origin for eoliths. This, together with the discovery of genuine early Lower Pleistocene Oldowan tools in East Africa, made support for the artifact theory difficult to sustain.
Eolith Co., Ltd. was a South Korean based video game company. They developed The King of Fighters 2001 and The King of Fighters 2002 after SNK was bankrupted. They also developed Double Dragon EX for mobile phones. Their last title released was Chaos Breaker, for the arcade system Taito Type X.
Usage examples of "eolith".
In 1910, Henri Breuil conducted investigations he thought would put an end to the eolith controversy.
Another important element in the eolith controversy was the platform-angle test, promoted by Alfred S.
Barnes and Breuil, the eolith question continues to haunt archeologists.
Nothing, therefore, prevents one from entertaining the possibility that anatomically modern humans might have been responsible for even the crudest stone tools found at Olduvai Gorge and the European eolith sites.
Another important element in the eolith controversy was the platform angle test, promoted by Alfred S.
Despite the best efforts of Barnes and Breuil, the eolith question continues to haunt archeologists.
For most researchers, eoliths would be the oldest implements, followed in turn by the paleoliths and neoliths.
Unifacial tools, with regular chipping confined to one side of a surface, formed a large part of the eoliths gathered by Harrison.
Therefore, we need not attribute the Plateau eoliths to a primitive race of ape-men.
In order to resolve the controversy over the age of the eoliths, the British Association, a prestigious scientific society, financed excavations in the high-level Plateau gravels and other localities in close proximity to Ightham.
The purpose was to show definitively that eoliths were to be found not only on the surface but in situ, deep within the Pliocene pre-glacial gravels.
In 1895, Harrison was invited to exhibit his eoliths at a meeting of the Royal Society.
But the fruitful field of scientific investigation into the greater antiquity of man opened by the eoliths of the Kent Plateau was buried along with Harrison.
Obermaier was one of those scientists who believed that eoliths were produced by natural forces similar to the forces operating in cement and chalk mills.
In the case of European eoliths, there are two good examples of definitive debunking reports.