The Collaborative International Dictionary
Empirically \Em*pir"ic*al*ly\, adv. By experiment or experience; without science; in the manner of quacks.
adv. 1 Based on experience as opposed to theoretical knowledge. 2 (context sciences English) Based on data gathered in the real world.
adv. in an empirical manner; "this can be empirically tested" [syn: through empirical observation, by trial and error] [ant: theoretically]
Usage examples of "empirically".
Of course, it may be said that no aesthetic standard is other than relative -- but we always work with such standards as we empirically have, and in comparing cats and dogs under the Western European aesthetic we cannot be unfair to either.
Let us assume for the moment that these physicalists are right in asserting that scientists have empirically demonstrated that only physical things and events exist.
The referents of knowledge, as we saw above, exist only in specific world-spaces, and those worldspaces are not simply given empirically, lying around for all and sundry to perceive.
That the ether, apart from being supersensibly seen, is also heard, was empirically known to Goethe.
For this reason textbooks quite rightly say that only the results drawn from these terrestrial observations have the value of empirically observed facts.
Lest the good Enochists start picketing the Chancellory, he hastened to add, it should be understood that he was speaking empirically, of things observable, not of revealed Answers.
For since the onlooker-consciousness is quite unable to conceive the existence of numerical relationships in the physical world except as sums of computable units in space, it was natural for this type of consciousness to reduce all empirically established numerical relationships to correspending relationships among quantities of the smallest possible material or matter-like units.
It has been determined empirically that the best results are obtained in artificial digestion when a liquid containing two per thousand of hydrochloric acid gas by weight is used.
This phenomenon, which is empirically recognized by physicians like acupuncturists or moxitherapists, who use manual techniques, is a serious problem.
These questions can refer to cosmological ideas only, because the object must be given empirically, and the question only refers to the adequateness of it to an idea.
They do, however, have analog computers and are adept at empirically modeling phenomenons, as well as understanding what factors go into producing them—.
Special laws, therefore, as they refer to phenomena which are empirically determined, cannot be completely derived from the categories, although they are all subject to them.
If the empirically valid law of causality is to conduct us to the original Being, that Being must belong to the chain of objects of experience, and in that case it would, like all phenomena, be itself conditioned.
That is, all things of the world of sense might be entirely contingent, and have therefore an empirically conditioned existence only, though there might nevertheless be a non-empirical condition of the whole series, that is, an unconditionally necessary being.
They do, however, have analog computers and are adept at empirically modeling phenomenons, as well as understanding what factors go into producing them—but they cannot put forward a mathematical model.