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n. (plural of elemental English)

  1. Redirect elemental

Category:Unprintworthy redirects

Elementals (Comico Comics)

Elementals was an American dark superhero comic book first published in 1984 and created by Bill Willingham, for which he was both writer and artist.

It was a reasonably long-lived comic series, and was published by Comico Comics. Comico's publisher Andrew Rev purchased the Elementals property from Willingham in the 1990s.

Elementals (DC Comics)

The Elementals are a fictional team of superheroes published by DC Comics. They first appeared in Super Friends #14 (October 1978), and were created by E. Nelson Bridwell and Ramona Fradon.

Elementals (Marvel Comics)

The Elementals is a fictional organization in the Marvel Universe.

Elementals (comics)

Elementals, in comics, may refer to:

  • Elementals (Comico Comics), a superhero comic book by Bill Willingham
  • Elementals (DC Comics), a DC Comics team, who first appeared in Super Friends
  • Elementals (Marvel Comics), a group of four immortals in the Marvel Universe

It may also refer to:

  • Element Girl
  • Element Lad

Usage examples of "elementals".

While she was a child, the Elementals of the Air would watch over her, as those of her own Element would guard her—no wind would harm her, for instance, nor was it possible for her to drown.

But it was also possible for one of the many sorts of Elementals to attach itself to a non-mage as well.

The bank beside it, carpeted with fern and sweet grass, with mosses growing in the shadows, was where Ma­rina liked to sit and read, or watch the Water Elementals play about in the falling water, and those of Air sporting in the branches.

Other, lesser Elementals gathered to watch, chat­tering excitedly among the reeds, applauding when someone made a particularly clever move.

This was the most im­portant thing she could learn to do—because now that she could gather in Water energies almost without thinking, and summon Elementals to the most unlikely places, she was going to learn the shields peculiar to a Water Master.

His Elementals refuse to touch her for fear of angering their opposite numbers in Water.

Margherita found it easier to summon Elementals when she had the help of incense, salt, and other paraphernalia.

Can you imagine for a single moment the Jersey Lily summoning Elementals to her?

The Elementals might take offense, and she'd be weeks in placating them.

The Sylphs might move in winter, but not the Water Elementals, or at least, not the ones she knew.

All sweetness and light, was your Hugh's precious Alanna—the Earth Elementals she had around here couldn't bear the first touch of blood on the soil.

Some­times the best thing that an Elemental Master could do was to bar­gain with the Elementals themselves, then step back and allow them to determine how something was accomplished.

There were lesser Elementals here, though no Undines—not surprising, really, since it was directly below a human-occupied building, and despite the lovely shields, she could tell that Clifton Davies was not really strong enough to attract the attention of powerful Elementals.

The only things that had appeared when summoned were the physical manifesta­tions of Elementals—the nastier sort of Elementals, that is.

They were the Air Elementals he was most familiar with, though perhaps there was something else that was more suitable.