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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
elastic band
▪ A leather ring fitted over each shoulder, with an elastic band stretched between them across my back.
▪ He pulled it farther open and saw that a bunch of quill pens in an elastic band had been moved.
▪ She seemed harassed and shop-worn, her greying hair tied up in a bun with a twisted elastic band.
▪ Then flick the elastic band a couple of times.
▪ Then he starts to loop his hair into an elastic band first thing every morning.
The Collaborative International Dictionary
elastic band

rubber band \rub"ber band"\, n. A closed loop of rubber usually having a thin rectangular cross-section; also called elastic band; -- it varies in length from the circumference of a finger to several inches, and is usually used to hold several objects together temporarily, by the tension exerted when the band is stretched and fitted around the objects to be held; as, to hold a pack of cards together with a rubber band.

elastic band

elastic band \e*las"tic band"\, n. Same as rubber band.

elastic band

n. A small, narrow loop of rubber or similar material used to hold items together.

elastic band

n. a narrow band of elastic rubber used to hold things (such as papers) together [syn: rubber band, elastic]

Usage examples of "elastic band".

Oswald Brunies takes each one, even the most contemptible run of the millstream, between the thumb and forefinger of his left hand, holds it away from, then up to light, takes a magnifying glass secured by an elastic band from the breast pocket of his peat-brown and partly threadbare jacket, moves the glass on stretching elastic slowly and expertly into place between pebble and eye, then, elegantly and with full confidence in the elastic, lets the glass spring back into his breast pocket.

From somewhere well below the level of his crotch he fished up a wallet-sized fold of paper money, secured with a wide black elastic band.

He rolled his head away, hiding the bad eye as he groped amongst the tangled bedclothes until he found a scrap of black cloth on a black elastic band.

One of the animals got its lower jaw tangled up in the looped elastic band that hung from the key.

I scraped the dirt off her boots with toilet paper and generally cleaned her up, combed her hair, and put it in an elastic band at the back so it didn't look so greasy.

From somewhere well below the level of his crotch he fished up a walletsized fold of paper money, secured with a wide black elastic band.

Georgie only had time to whip off her elastic band, fluff out her hair and clutch her bikini top to her sweating breasts when Lysander crept round the corner.

The woman returned with another pair, one with a less generous elastic band.

When his fingertips moved past the elastic band onto my bare skin, it brought an involuntary jerk.

I pinned a blue bow over the elastic band and slapped on a little makeup.