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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Efferent \Ef"fe*rent\, n. An efferent duct or stream.


Efferent \Ef"fe*rent\, a. [L. efferens, -entis, p. pr. of effere to bear out; ex out + ferre to bear.] (Physiol.)

  1. Conveying outward, or discharging; -- applied to certain blood vessels, lymphatics, nerves, etc.

  2. Conveyed outward; as, efferent impulses, i. e., such as are conveyed by the motor or efferent nerves from the central nervous organ outwards; -- opposed to afferent.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"conveying outward or away," 1827, from Latin efferentem (nominative efferens), present participle of effere "to carry out or away, bring forth," from ef- (see ex-) + ferre "to bear, carry" (see infer). As a noun from 1876.


a. 1 Carrying away from. 2 Carried outward. n. A duct or stream that carries away.


adj. of nerves and nerve impulses; conveying information away from the CNS; "efferent nerves and impulses" [syn: motorial] [ant: afferent]


Efferent is an anatomical term with the following meanings:

  • Conveying away from a center, for example the efferent arterioles conveying blood away from the Bowman's capsule in the kidney, in the opposite direction to the afferent arterioles
  • Something that so conducts, see efferent nerve fiber
  • Efferent lymph vessel

See also:

  • Efferent ducts
  • Efferent arteriole

Usage examples of "efferent".

A complex system of intermediate neurons, found mostly in the brain, join the afferent with the efferent pathways.

Straightforward dissections of the earthworm, the frog, the afferent and efferent systems of the dogfish, that kind of thing.

Variances in absorption rate, bioavailability, protein binding, receptor-subtype mechanisms, efferent nerve equations, Meldrum models, gangloid ionization, ribosome protein synthesis, Cell Cleaner interaction rates-no one person could possibly have processed it all.

This action, at first sight somewhat obscure, is due to the extreme pupillary contraction which removes the mass of the iris from pressing upon the spaces of Fontana, through which the intraocular fluids normally make a very slow escape from the eye into its efferent lymphatics.

I communicate to her via efferent channels throughout my cortex, the common thread of which is carried through a cluster of filaments embedded in my posterior temporoparietal region to a machine that simulates speech.

It begins with the deterioration of the efferent nerves and escalates to paralysis of the cardiac, vasomotor, and respiratory reflex centers in the brain.