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The Collaborative International Dictionary

drugged \drugged\ adj. under the influence of narcotics or hypnotic drugs.

Syn: doped, narcotized.


vb. (en-past of: drug)


adj. under the influence of narcotics; "knocked out by doped wine"; "a drugged sleep"; "were under the effect of the drugged sweets"; "in a narcotized state; stuperous" [syn: doped, narcotized, narcotised]

  1. n. a substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic

  2. [also: drugging, drugged]

  1. v. administer a drug to; "They drugged the kidnapped tourist" [syn: dose]

  2. use recreational drugs [syn: do drugs]

  3. [also: drugging, drugged]


See drug

Usage examples of "drugged".

With it, I would have to start all over again, denying Harlan the drugged food, waiting for his return to sanity.

Now I knew him to be an unwilling drugged victim of some scheme, my pity was tinged with outraged righteousness.

That brief, if interrupted, respite from the drugged food contributed to Harlan's quicker recovery.

Particularly since I don't know how long it's been since I was first drugged nor how or when you might have been brought here.

And I know that there are nine other men in that sanitarium, drugged by Trenor, with the same scuff as Monsorlit used on Harlan.

I had mentioned Gleto and his being drugged but not Monsorlit's visit, nor one other, possibly very important fact.

If they could be restored to sanity the way Harlan was, wouldn't that prove that Harlan, too, had been drugged, had never been insane?

Sinnall suggested a veteran trader on the Tane routes who had come home babbling some strange tale before he had been drugged quiet by physicians.

Frankly, if I didn't know Harlan had been drugged, I'd be worried, too.

The escape capsule in which he'd cold-slept had had another minor malfunction that left him staring drugged and half conscious through the port glass at open space for two days before the cryogenic process had kicked in.

She'd been drugged, and slugged, and dumped in a pod and sent off - As suddenly as that first memory, the situation on the cruiser came to her.

Then, using Central World brains ships with drugged brawns under his control, he could have landed anywhere, including Regulus Base.

As for Valden Allen Hopkirk—Alpha hated to waste a potential tool like Hopkirk, especially after going to the trouble of keeping him lightly drugged and available for all this time, but she prided herself on the ability to face facts and cut her losses.

If you'd shown up right after your goon drugged me, I might have been in trouble.

He'd wanted to keep Polyon drugged and unconscious until they reached Central.