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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

adv. In a downward direction


adv. spatially or metaphorically from a higher to a lower level or position; "don't fall down"; "rode the lift up and skied down"; "prices plunged downward" [syn: down, downwards, downward] [ant: up, up, up, up]

Usage examples of "downwardly".

Downwardly mobile households such as that of Mrs Morrow had gardens distinguished by their luxuriant weeds and overgrown lawns-havens where the neighbourhood cats roamed unmolested.

These days, it was often the last pretension that the downwardly mobile would relinquish-and they did not give it up easily.

These days, it was often the last pretension that the downwardly mobile would relinquish—.

These days, it was often the last pretension that the downwardly mobile would relinquishand they did not give it up easily.

Whatever quaint charm Moonlight Court once possessed was now thoroughly debauched by age and the decidedly downwardly mobile neighborhood surrounding it.