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n. (context mineral English) A triclinic mineral containing aluminum, calcium, iron, magnesium, oxygen, and silicon.


Dorrite is a silicate mineral that is isostructural to the aenigmatite group. Although it is most chemically similar to the mineral rhönite [CaMgTi(AlSi)O], the lack of titanium (Ti) and presence of Fe influenced dorrite's independence. Dorrite is named for Dr. John (Jack) A. Dorr, a late professor at the University of Michigan that researched in outcrops where dorrite was found in 1982. This mineral is sub-metallic resembling colors of brownish-black, dark brown, to reddish brown.

Usage examples of "dorrite".

In the elections of early 1843, the Law and Order group, opposed by former Dorrites, used intimidation of state militia, of employees by employers, of tenants by landlords, to get out their vote.